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"School Anniversary Series" Report CHCW Cup - Enthusiastic Participation and Celebration by Four Universities of Taiwan Comprehensive University System

publish date : 2024-05-20

The annual "Cheng-Hsing Cheng-Wan (CHCW) Cup," where four
universities in the "Taiwan Comprehensive University System (TCUS)"
compete for sports honors, concluded spectacularly on the afternoon of
the 19th at the National Chung Hsing University Gymnasium! More than
a thousand participants from National Chung Cheng University (CCU),
National Chung Hsing University (NCHU), National Cheng Kung
University (NCKU), and National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU)
gathered for the closing ceremony. Amid the cheers of the crowd, the
organizers awarded the champions of each event. The teachers and
students of CCU not only strove for honors on the field but also engaged
in social interactions, fully demonstrating their sportsmanship.
The 17th CHCW Cup featured a total of 17 competitions. NCKU
emerged as the top 1 winner, getting 8 championships and winning the
overall spirit championship with a total score of 57 points. Staff and
students of CCU worked so hard on the sports field to win 4
championships in student tennis, badminton, archery, and women's
volleyball. They ranked third overall with a total score of 43 points,
bringing glory to their university. Additionally, NCHU and NSYSU
ranked second and fourth respectively.
This year’s CHCW Cup featured a teacher-student friendly basketball
toss game, marking the first participation of Principal Shaw-Jenq Tsai.
The event was represented by Principal Tsai, student body president Xin
Dai, and student Po-you Tuan. CCU noted that seeing everyone having
fun on the court evoked memories of their youth, creating a special
memory for both teachers and students.
The CHCW Cup, originally named the "Cheng-Wan Cup," was cofounded by NCKU and NSYSU in 2006. NCHU joined in 2008,
prompting a name change to the "Hsing Cheng-Wan Cup." In 2010, CCU
joined, and in 2012, the event was renamed the "Cheng-Hsing ChengWan Cup." ."Cheng" represents Tainan Fucheng City and the phonetic
similarity to NCKU, and "Wan" refers to Sizihwan Bay. The event is
now hosted in rotation by the four universities of the Taiwan
Comprehensive University System, with next year's event set to be hosted
by NCKU.

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