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May her Kindness be Known: National Chung Cheng University Professor Contributed Eight Million Dollars to the School’s Relief Fund

Recently, CCU Department of Foreign Languages and Literature
Associate Professor Bi-Yu Ding passed away due to illnesses. Ding’s
inheritance was given to physics professor Chia-Chen Hsu and his family,
who then donated the money to the Hope for Chiayi Account. Professor
Hsu also established the “Bi-Yu Ding (Junko Ono) Emergency Relief
Fund” to further commemorate Ding’s benefaction. On the 28th, the
official donation ceremony was held by CCU. The school hopes that this
emergency fund can help faculty members and students of CCU through
economical struggles and continue their work and studies with ease.
Bi-Yu Ding was born in Japan. In her student years, she studied in
National Chengchi University for her doctorate degree. After her studies,
she came to CCU and teached for nearly thirty years. Despite being from
Japan, she got Taiwan’s citizenship in 2018. Bi-Yu Ding always had a
caring heart for students who needed emotional or financial support. She
even hired students to look after her puppies with a high wage, in order to
support them financially. Actions like this nurtured deep bonds between
Ding and her students. Bi-Yu Ding originally planned to leave her
inheritance to Chia-Chen Hsu and his daughter–Po-Yuan Hsu, yet the
Hsu’s decided to donate the money to CCU. Chia-Chen Hsu said: “Since
Professor Ding always cared for students genuinely, we want to make the
most of her inheritance and share her kindness with those in need.”
CCU faculty stated that this donation will be distributed to both “Hope
for Chiayi Account” and “Bi-Yu Ding (Junko Ono) Emergency Relief
Fund”. The Hope for Chiayi Account often accepts donations from
enterprises, foundations and alumni. They also collaborated with the
Ministry of Education’s Higher Education Sprout Project. From 2020 to
2023, the project has already offered scholarships to 268 students.
Regarding the emergency relief fund, 36 students have already applied to
it. Needless to say, CCU has the capacity to support its students. With
Professor Bi-Yu Ding’s benevolence, more students now have the
opportunity to bask in her kindness.
CCU Chief Secretary Yu-Hsun Yang said, the newly adopted emergency
relief fund now supports faculty members, too. Since a professor of the
Department of Electrical Engineering passed away in a car accident this
August, the school realized that emergency relief funds were only
dedicated to students. “Both students and faculty members are valuable
aspects of our school.” said Yang. After the incident, faculty members
can now ask for emergent funds when encountering financial hardship in
their lives.
The principal, Zhang-Hua Fong, expressed his gratitude for this donation.
With benefactions like this, students and faculty members can overcome
financial pressure from unexpected accidents and can tend to their mental
states without excessive worries. Professor Ding’s generosity shone
brightness and positivity on CCU. Hopefully, her kindness can persist for
countless years to come.

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