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National Chung Cheng University Works With Chenbro Micom and Syntec Technology in Industry-University Cooperation to Jointly Cultivate Talents on Science and Technology

In order to cultivate professional talents in smart manufacturing and automation, Chenbro Micom Co., Ltd. and Syntec Technology CO., LTD. in Machohou Industrial Park cooperated with National Chung Cheng University (CCU), National Chiayi University (NCYU), National Yunlin University of Science and Technology (NYUST), and National Formosa University (NFU) to jointly host the "Industry-Academia Collaboration-Smart Robot Camp". After the six weeks of summer study and practical exercises in competition, the team presentations and the closing ceremony have finally taken place on August 12 to display the results of the camp. The magistrate of Chiayi County Chang-Liang Weng personally attended the ceremony, he praised the students for their achievements in applying what they learned during the training while sending congratulations to the winning teams.

The Camp was only open to student teams from the above four universities. Each team consisted of five to seven members that might come across different stages and departments. Among the eight teams in the Camp this year, the "Robert" team formed by CCU Department of Mechanical Engineering undergraduate students and their associate professors Dr. Chih-Ying Yang and Dr. Ping-Huan Kuo was awarded with the winner’s title in the group of "Base Locking and Code Scanning Automation" and the overall championship. The team's execution is the most integrated with high completeness. For its high-speed operation efficiency and optimized quality inspection, the teamwork not only won the greatest affirmation from the judges, but also received a grant of 100,000 NTD and the congratulations from the magistrate of Chiayi County Chang-Liang Weng personally in the prize giving ceremony.

This time in the camp, apart from designing the course based on the core capabilities of Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, inviting professional and technical personnel to train those students as their industrial mentors, Chenbro Micom and Syntec Technology also provided machine equipment such as robotic arms to meet the practical needs in the training, and combined the theory with practice for teaching. Through the process that involved the industry’s problem-solving requests to contest teams, project training and themed physical practice to realize ideas, the two companies aimed to reduce the skills gaps in the workforce and assist students to accumulate practical experience and connect to the workplace. 

This year, the requests themed on the actual needs in server manufacturing were put forward in the camp. With the problem-solving requests on the "Motherboard Tray Assembly Automation" and the "Base Lock and Code Scanning Automation", students were first encouraged to come up with some automation and intelligent solutions for the process requirements from the Chenbro Chiayi Factory. Then, the students were asked to use the automation equipment, vision inspection system, and visualization screen to put those ideas into practice, and in the final part of the activity as a competition to verify those solutions over the production technology, industrial application feasibility, cost-effectiveness, and their innovative values.

CCU stated that the Camp has motivated students' enthusiasm in AI technology through the themed project competition, and successfully cultivated students' interest in practical applications in the fields of smart factory, artificial intelligence (AI), and lean production to further develop their learning based on Industry 4.0 and strive for their excellence. In the future, the university will continue to strengthen the base for talents cultivation on smart technology application and discover more capable and compatible professionals for the industries in the Chiayi region.


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