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National Chung Cheng University and the Chiayi County Government join hands to promote accurate sports

publish date : 2023-08-03

People should not only exercise regularly, but exercise precisely. The Government of Chiayi County entrusted the Department of Athletic Sports(DAS) of National Chung Cheng University (CCU) to co-organize the third phase of the "Precision Functional Training". A launch ceremony conference was held at the Investment Center of Chiayi County Government on August 3rd, which showcased the annual integrated features program of Chiayi County. One of the highlights of the program is "Accurate Cross-Physical Fitness and Strong Foundation". It aims to be the local goalkeeper of health by performing functional movements accurately, correctly, and safely.
The county mayor of Chiayi, Chang-Liang Weng, emphasized that the core concept of this program is to enhance the physical abilities of the elderly. It takes "Accurate Cross-Physical Fitness and Strong Foundation" as the training core. The instructors underwent strict selection, training, and assessment, and then went to the community to provide their service. Mayer Weng also did some demonstrations by himself at the conference. He did archery as an image to symbolize the awareness, breathing, control, stability, fluency, and accuracy required for precise physical fitness. All movements need to be based on three steps: the correct position, core stability, and starting point.
The DAS of CCU stated that the core of "precision" sports is the individualization principle in sports training methods. Through assessments of functional movements, a better understanding of the body's stability and joint mobility can be obtained to address potential issues in bodies and prevent sports injuries. The human body's movement center learns at the speed of instinctive actions. Sometimes, humans forget how to use their bodies correctly or misuse them due to their unawareness.
The theme of the training is "Accurate Cross-Physical Fitness and Strong Foundation". It starts from testing and evaluation, learning the human musculoskeletal and basic movement patterns, and then stacking strength training techniques layer by layer. The program aims to bridge the generational gap and shorten the distance between the execution team and the elderly by creating a conducive learning atmosphere. The course also includes the core keys to designing lesson plans, as well as the risks and emergency response measures that people may encounter in the community. It evaluates the characteristics of each elders and provides each of them with suitable exercises.
DAS indicates that their goal is to develop a precise functional exercise instructor training program for Taiwan’s aging society and take Chiayi County as a fundamental city. Healthy seniors, frail seniors, and those in institutions are all targeted for the course. Through the strategies of group guidance, the needs of the seniors can be fully taken into account and a friendly learning environment can be created. Therefore, a precise functional exercise training program can be achieved to reach smart aging sports changes. Additionally, through instructor training, it aims to attract young talent who can provide services in rural areas and promote intergenerational "Share Care" through sports.
This program has now entered its third year, with the training duration extended from 2 days to 6 days and 48 hours, allowing experienced instructors to enhance their learning.  Community outreaches are also becoming effective gradually and are included as distinctive courses in elderly welfare. In order to continue taking care of the physical and mental health of the elders in Chiayi County, CCU will also match sports instructors to 100 communities to look after the health of the people in Chiayi and brighten the sports life of the elders.

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