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Full-time Teaching Position Available Institute of Linguistics National Chung Cheng University

Full-time Teaching Position Available
Institute of Linguistics
National Chung Cheng University

We are seeking applications for one full-time tenure-track faculty position (open to professors of all ranks).
I. Specialties: Phonetics, Chinese pronunciation teaching, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language, or related linguistic subfields.
II. Qualifications:
Anyone who applies must possess a doctoral degree in Linguistics or Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language from legitimate universities either at home or abroad, and specializes in areas specified above.
III. Required Application Documents (No return if sent):
a. Two letters of recommendation
b. CV both in English and/or Chinese
c. Photocopy of Ph.D. diploma (If awarded abroad, your diploma must be certified by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office whose consular district includes the location of the university you graduate from.)
d. Plans for future research
e. A list of courses to be offered, with syllabi
f. Ph.D. dissertation and publications/academic works in the last five years
IV. Application Deadline:
All application documents must arrive by December 15, 2022 (subject to the date as postmarked) at the following address by registered mail:

The Office of Institute of Linguistics
National Chung Cheng University
168, University Rd., Minhsiung, Chiayi, 621301, Taiwan
(Please note, on the envelop, that this is a job application.)
Date of Appointment: August 1, 2023
V. Notes:
1. Applicants should be capable of teaching in English.
2. Applicants who have had MOST Research Projects, USR Projects, or Higher Education Sprout Projects, will be preferred.
If you do have such an experience, please enclose the related certificates within.
3. If you have published papers in journals indexed by SCI, SSCI, A&HCI, or THCI Core in the last three years (preferred if you are the first author or the corresponding author), please specify and enclose proof of indexing.
4. As reference, click in the following link to all courses available in our institute:
* Contact information as follows:
TEL: 05-2721653
FAX: 05-2721654
Email: linguist@ccu.edu.tw Recipient: Ms. Lou (“婁”in Chinese)

Release Department: 語言學研究所
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