The Office of Secretariat manages Meeting Schedules and Agenda of the following Councils:
- The University Council
- The Administrative Council
- The Conference of Administrative Directors
- The Conference of Academic Directors
- The Committee for University Administration Fund
- The Committee for Monitoring the Budget
- The Committee for Proposal (reviewing project proposal)
- Any urgent or unscheduled meeting
- The drafting of the by-laws of the above councils
The Office also manges any urgent/unscheduled meeting, and is responsible for the drafting of the by-laws of these Councils.
Processing Official Documents
- Handles Handling the president’s confidential documents and telecommunications
- Reviewing and responding to important documents from various units of the University
- General processing of documents from various units of the University
General Affairs
- Planning and implementing important University resolutions
- Completing Tasks assigned by the president
- Processing important plans and resolutions submitted by various units of the University
- Recording important events of the University
- Collecting and compiling materials related to the history of the University
- Handling Managing common documents
- Filing and classifying common documents
- Handling Managing other routine works
Use of the Seals of the University
- Use of the seals of certificates
- Use of the seals of contractss.
- Use of the seals of application forms
- Use of the seals of tender documents
Public Relations
- UPreparing announcements for news conferences
- Contacting / coordinating the media
- Reception of Receiving foreign guests and visitors
- Promoting / coordinating office automations
- Coordinating various administrative units
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