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The Office of Secretariat manages Meeting Schedules and Agenda of the following Councils:

  1. The University Council
  2. The Administrative Council
  3. The Conference of Administrative Directors
  4. The Conference of Academic Directors
  5. The Committee for University Administration Fund
  6. The Committee for Monitoring the Budget
  7. The Committee for Proposal (reviewing project proposal)
  8. Any urgent or unscheduled meeting
  9. The drafting of the by-laws of the above councils

The Office also manges any urgent/unscheduled meeting, and is responsible for the drafting of the by-laws of these Councils.

Processing Official Documents

  1. Handles Handling the president’s confidential documents and telecommunications
  2. Reviewing and responding to important documents from various units of the University
  3. General processing of documents from various units of the University

General Affairs

  1. Planning and implementing important University resolutions
  2. Completing Tasks assigned by the president
  3. Processing important plans and resolutions submitted by various units of the University
  4. Recording important events of the University
  5. Collecting and compiling materials related to the history of the University
  6. Handling Managing common documents
  7. Filing and classifying common documents
  8. Handling Managing other routine works

Use of the Seals of the University

  1. Use of the seals of certificates
  2. Use of the seals of contractss.
  3. Use of the seals of application forms
  4. Use of the seals of tender documents

Public Relations

  1. UPreparing announcements for news conferences
  2. Contacting / coordinating the media
  3. Reception of Receiving foreign guests and visitors


  1. Promoting / coordinating office automations
  2. Coordinating various administrative units

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